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September 2017 Issue 1

Sr Elizabeth Delaney sgs

Dear friends

Considered by Australians to be the first day of Spring, although many would prefer to identify the spring equinox as such, 1st September has been named as a day of prayer for creation. The Ecumenical Patriarch has called for prayer on this day since 1989. Pope Francis has joined with him over several years in inviting all to join in prayer for our earth.

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Houston, Texas; Mumbai, India; Freetown, Sierra Leone

Let us pray for the people in these places, after extreme weather brings devastation to these cities.

‘I’m Prepared’ Program 

Let us pray for this program helping refugees return home, from India back to Sri Lanka and from Thailand back to Myanmar.

creationx150In September we celebrate creation

1 September was proclaimed a Day of Prayer for Creation by the Orthodox in 1989 and repeated by Pope Francis in 2015.  The season takes us through to the feast of St. Francis on 4 October. Christians of all denominations and locations are invited to participate in an ecumenical Season of Creation.


15 - 21 October 2017 

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Only one month left to organise your event.

Reduce poverty and hardship by taking part in an activity organised by others or organise an activity yourself.

Activities such as conferences, seminars, forums, performances, media events etc are always great. Maybe even invite your local MP or Mayor to attend.

Leaning into the Spirit

Leaning into the Spirit -The Fourth International Conference on Receptive EcumenismMonday 6 – Thursday 9 November 2017.

University House, Australian National University, Canberra.

For Registrations and conference details visit the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture website.   

Cath Ecarex150How do we respond to Ladato Si’?

Everyone is invited to participate in the Laudato Si’ Advanced Animator Program.

9 -12 October 2017Benedictine Monastery, New Norcia WA


Preparations for the 2017 Christmas Bowl have begun. The difference your Christmas Bowl gift made last year is remarkable.

Did you know that you helped to create a climate of compassion for refugees in Australia by supporting the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT), an Act for Peace initiative?

National Child Protection Week 3-9 September 


Many activities have been planned across Australia to give opportunities for communities to think about how we can all work together to keep all children safe.

This is a great opportunity to highlight within your church community ways that you are protecting children and keeping them safe.


Coptic Orthodox Church

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The Diocese of Sydney and affiliated regions and Diocese of Melbourne and affiliated regions

Our thoughts and prayers are with our Coptic friends this month. 

This September, we rejoice with the Coptics as they welcome their leader, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St Mark, Egypt to Australia. 

Anglican Churchx150Archbishop Kay Goldsworthy 

The Anglican Church of Australia has elected their first woman to the role of Archbishop. The Right Reverend Kay Goldsworthy AO, Bishop of Gippsland is to become the new Archbishop of Perth. 

An extraordinary chance for hope

Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit

World Council of Churches (WCC) General Secretary reflects at the Wittenberg Ecumenical Assembly.

In his speech on 25 August, Rev Dr Olav Fyske Tveit talks of signs of hope shown in parts of the world where hope would seem impossible.  Rev Tveit reviewed the work of the ecumenical movement in 2017, describing the present as “an extraordinary ecumenical chance at this point in history.”


  1 World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation
  4 National Child Protection Week begins
14 Are you OK day
20 Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year)


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