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Anti-Poverty Week October 2024 Anti-Poverty Week (APW) in Australia is an annual event aimed at raising awareness of poverty and inequality, encouraging action to address these challenges, and fostering a deeper understanding of the causes and impacts of poverty nationwide. The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) has developed a Resource Kit to support your involvement in APW 2024. Read more |
ACRT update on Asylum Seekers Permanent Residence for Asylum Seekers: What’s Happening Now Demonstrations held in Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth demanding permanent residency and family reunification for asylum seekers, after years on temporary visas.... Read more |
ASRC report Cruelty by Design: The health crisis in offshore detention The health report released this month by the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) has documented the poor physical and mental health conditions of those who remain in offshore detention.... Read more |
World Refugee Day Online Ecumenical Service While the NCCA prepared to begin their 11th National Forum in Adelaide, members of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) were delivering an online ecumenical service for Refugee Week. The service was planned by ACRT members ... Read more |
ACRT report Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) Submission to Australia’s Humanitarian Intake for 2024-25 The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) is dedicated to advocating for the rights and well-being of refugees and asylum seekers in Australia. Read more |
Support for people escaping the conflict in Israel and Gaza Hundreds of people who have fled Israel or Gaza have travelled to Australia on Visitor Visas and other short-term visas. While it is welcome news that people have been able to travel to safety in Australia, these visas are not designed to support people fleeing conflict. Read more |
Submission opposing the Migration Amendment (Removals and Other Measures) Bill 2024 The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) has made a submission to the Senate inquiry, which closes Friday 12 April 2024. ACRT have also prepared a briefing resource, providing a guide for churches in Australia that wish to make submissions opposing the Bill. Read more |
Submission to the AHRC on Women in Immigration Detention The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) made a submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on 21 February 2024, looking into the experiences of women in immigration detention facilities, and the subsequent issues women faced when they were in community detention. Read more |
Hidden homelessness in Australia Homelessness in Australia is often hidden for those in our community, like people seeking asylum with no work rights and no income support, while they wait for resolution of their visa status. Read more |
Lives in limbo - 10 years of Offshore Processing The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) is one of many groups that are marking the ‘bitter’ 10th anniversary of the Regional Resettlement Arrangement between the Australian and Papua New Guinea (PNG) governments with an appeal to end the misery and cruelty of offshore processing. Read more |
Assistance for vulnerable groups unable to access Australian Government Support The NCCA has a Christian vision of compassion, generosity and hospitality for people seeking asylum and refugees in Australia that guides the advocacy work of the ACRT and the establishment of the Refugee Support Grant Fund. Please note: The GUIDELINES and APPLICATION FORM are currently under review. |
PLEASE CONSIDER A DONATION Your donation will be used to support the various campaigns of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce. To make a donation by credit card, over the phone. Call our freecall number on 1800 025 101. |