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Thursday, 23 May 2024 10:57

Pray for Kanaky Nouvelle-Calédonie

The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) expresses its solidarity with the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC) in praying for a just peace amid the ongoing crisis in Kanaky, New Caledonia. We pray for the peace and safety of all the residents.

Rev. John Gilmore, President of the NCCA joins in calling for an end to violence, and for peace to prevail in the region:

“The scenes of the protests in Kanaky Nouvelle-Calédonie have left me heavy hearted. We pray for peace with justice. May God’s love and comfort be with all those who are overwhelmed by the pain and suffering from recent events.”

Bishop Peter Houhou, of the Catholic Diocese of Gizo, Solomon Islands, emphasises the power of collective prayer, stating:

“Let us put our prayers together for our beloved Brothers and Sisters of Kanaky that the Prince of Peace, the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, be with them in this time of difficulty.”

Pastor Var Kaemo, President of the Église Protestante de Kanaky Nouvelle-Calédonie (EPKNC) and member of the PCC, echoes the sentiment of seeking divine intervention, emphasising:

“We pray that this Sunday of the outpouring of the Spirit [Pentecost] be the sign of God, sent to halt the deadly process that has been set in motion. Only the Spirit of God can help us to walk in the paths of brotherhood, peace, and the justice of justice.”

The PCC, of which the NCCA is a member, has issued an official statement on the current situation in Kanaky, dated 16th May 2024. 

The statement outlines the concerns and calls for concerted efforts towards resolving the crisis.

The PCC urges:

‘the members of the Église Protestante de Kanaky Nouvelle-Calédonie, to sister churches, to sister religions and to all believers in Kanaky, to appeal for prayer, solidarity and compassion in this time of crisis: all human life is precious and sacred, whatever one’s political opinions or ethnic origin. We all possess, as we are, the sacred gift of life that God offers us’ 

The PCC’s official statement can be accessed online here:  pdf Pacific Conference of Churches Statement on the Current Situation in Kanaky New Caledonia (133 KB)  | dated 16 May 2024 issued by Rev. James Bhagwan, General Secretary of the PCC.  




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