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Tuesday, 24 January 2017 11:49

Sr Janette Gray RSM

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1 February 1952 - 24 December 2016


 Sr Janette passed into eternal life on Saturday 24 December, Christmas Eve. Her funeral was held at St Ignatius Church, Norwood, SA on 3 January 2017.

Sr Jan was a valuable member of NCCA’s Faith and Unity Commission since 2013, sharing her knowledge of theology, commitment to ecumenism and passion for life. Her contribution towards Christian Unity was significant and she will be greatly missed.

Educated in Sydney by the Presentation sisters, she went on to receive a BA, DipEd, from Macquarie University, NSW and taught in South Australia at Mercedes, St Aloysius, and Tenison Colleges. In January 1976 she joined the Adelaide province of the Australian Union of Sisters of Mercy, taking her first vows in 1977 and final vows in 1984.

Jan completed a BTheol at Melbourne College of Divinity while in first vows. Later, she went on to complete a MTheol from the MCD and a PhD in Theology from the University of Cambridge, UK.

In her academic career Sr Janette held the positions of Senior Lecturer in Theology at the University of Notre Dame, WA, 1999-2003; the Faculty of Jesuit Theological College (JTC), Parkville, Melbourne 2004-2014, Principal of JTC, 2012-14; and Lecturer & Supervisor at the UFT, Pilgrim, and YTU, latterly University of Divinity Melbourne.

Sr Jan was highly valued in the academic arena, making an unmatched contribution to theological education in the ecumenical context. She is remembered as a theologian, inspiring teacher and much loved colleague, serving a generation of student and church communities over the years.

On the occasion of her final vows, Jan chose the scripture from Luke 6:38 and the following words to be inscribed on the cover of her profession booklet:

“Through you my family, friends and sisters, I have been deeply impressed by the immense goodness of God, overflowing into the ordinary things of my life. I thank you all for giving me so much of this overflow of love, interest and care throughout my journey to this moment.”

It was in this spirit that Jan lived her whole life.

The NCCA and, in particular, members of the Faith and Unity Commission, give thanks to God for Sr Jan’s love, mercy, scholarship and commitment.

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