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Monday, 16 June 2014 00:00

Deaconess Margaret Rodgers AM

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 Margaret Rodgers cropped

18 December 1939 - 31 May 2014


The NCCA recognises with appreciation the life, distinguished ministry and significant contribution to ecumenism in Australia and internationally of Deaconess Margaret Rodgers AM who died on Saturday 31 May 2014. Margaret was a committed ecumenist representing the Anglican Church of Australia for many years on the Australian Council of Churches and as a member of the Executive of the National Council of Churches in Australia (1994 – 2007) where Margaret always made a valuable contribution. Margaret was an active participant in the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) for ten years, and as CCA President for five years. For many years Margaret participated in the NSW Council of Churches becoming the first female President in 2008-2010.  Margaret was a scholar of significant intellect and Anglican for many years the leading laywoman of the Diocese of Sydney.

Margaret is remembered for her commitment to the training of women in ministry through Deaconess House as tutor, Vice-Principal and finally Principal from 1976-1985; her professional expertise in media relations, becoming the first CEO of Anglican Media (1994-2003) and then the Archbishop's Media Officer (2004-07); and her unwavering commitment to Christ in the service of others for over forty years as a Deaconess.  In the 2014 Australia Day Honours List, Deaconess Rodgers was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM).

Read 4659 times Last modified on Friday, 16 September 2022 11:26
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