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Monday, 26 August 2013 15:23

Statement Concerning the Recent Sad Events in the Middle East

We support our people in our Motherlands in their aspirations for a prosperous and peaceful future for their countries.

Our sincere condolences are extended to the families of the victims and martyrs who gave their lives for their belief. We pray God the Almighty for the repose of the souls of the victims and to grant speedy recovery to all those who were injured and afflicted by these sad events. We have full faith and confidence in the Divine providence that will guide these nations in this delicate time of their history to a brighter future filled with justice, peace and democracy.

We value the stands of the friendly and loyal countries that understand the nature of these events and offer support.

We call upon the International Media to provide a comprehensive fair account of all events with truth, accuracy and honesty.

We ask our fellow Australians, as well as the Australian government to stand with our nations of origin; to speak out against these atrocities and do all what is in their means to stop these acts of violence immediately.

As an official seat holder of the United Nations Security Council, Australia has a unique historic opportunity and responsibility to stand up for and promote what our Nation believes in: democracy, freedom of religion, and human rights.

We will continue to support our people in their endeavour for love and forgiveness, though it bewilders them to watch the free and democratic Nations of this world which welcomed them as new citizens, shying away from taking a clear and appropriate stand against the acts of the fanatics and extremists.

As a sign of solidarity we invite all our faithful, as well as our fellow citizens with our public officials to join us for a prayer vigil on Thursday 29th August 2013 at 7:00 p.m., at St. Anthony and St. Paul Coptic Church at 29 Bolton Rd, Guildford.

We pray our merciful God to alleviate the pain and the suffering of the afflicted and their families, asking Him through the intercession of the Virgin Mary to guide us and enlighten us to bring peace and joy where chaos and pain prevail, mainly to the Middle East region.

+ Most Reverend Robert Rabbat            + Archbishop Paul Saliba
Melkite Catholic Eparch                               Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese
Australia & New Zealand

+ Bishop Antoine-Charbel Tarabay         + Bishop Daniel
Maronite Bishop of Australia                        Coptic Orthodox Church
Diocese of Sydney & Affiliated Regions

+Mor Malatius Malki                                 +Mar Yakoob Daniel
Syrian Orthodox Church                                 Ancient Church of the East
Archdiocese of Australia & New Zealand        Archdiocese of Australia & New Zealand

+ Archbishop Mar Meelis Zaia AM          + Bishop Jibrael Kassab
Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church               Chaldean Catholic Church of the East. Archdiocese of Australia,
NZ and Lebanon.

+Bishop Haigazoun Najaran                    + Very Rev Msgr Basil Sousanian
Armenian Apostolic Church                          Patriarchal Vicar
Armenian Catholic Church

+Very Rev Msgr Michael Berbari          +Rev Fr Yousef Yousef
Patriarchal Vicar                                          Coptic Catholic Church
Syrian Catholic Church

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