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Wednesday, 22 May 2019 10:11

Faith Leaders call on newly elected Government

Media rel. 20190521Let them settle here.

In a Media Statement released 21 May 2019, the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA)and the Australian Churches’ Refugee Taskforce (ACRT), together with Australian Jewish, Christian and Muslim Leaders, called upon the Government to resolve the plight of the refugees still detained on Manus and Nauru.

With the elections behind us and the Liberal Party returned to Government, the collective voices of Leaders from the three Abrahamic faiths are of one voice. The statement affirms:

"It is a new day in our Australian democracy; a time for new beginnings. It would be so wonderful if this painful matter from the past was concluded now."

Christian, Jewish and Muslim leaders stand united on this issue, calling to the Prime Minister to "lift people's spirits, giving hope that better days lie ahead."

Click here to download the Media Statement released Tuesday 21 May 2019

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