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Social Cohesion and Inclusion National Conference - Sydney

Registrations open now 

The Australian Baha’i Community warmly invites you to attend the Social Cohesion and Inclusion National Conference to explore the settings, approaches, methods and experiences that will guide our country to foster greater social cohesion and inclusion into the future. Those who are deeply thinking about the progress of our country are encouraged to come together to deliberate, share ideas and reflect on action.

Registrations Close: 1 November 2019

Date: Friday 8 November 2019, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Venue: Harbourview Hotel, North Sydney NSW

Registration: Online at Eventbrite or the Conference Website 


Keynote Speakers Include:

  • Hugh Mackay AO
  • Anthea Hancock - CEO, Scanlon Foundation


What to expect:

Presenters who are at the forefront of thinking and experience will share insights from which all can benefit to shape further action and refine current endeavours. Ample time has been allocated to enable interaction between the audience and presenters during Q&A.

Those attending the conference will be encouraged to actively participate and offer their contributions during intimate roundtable discussions as part of the program.

Visit the Conference website for more information.


We encourage you to share this with your colleagues and networks to engage in this purposeful space reflecting on the strength of social cohesion and inclusion in our country.

Visit: https://www.oea.bahai.org.au/ to read more about their involvement in fostering social cohesion in Australia

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