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Ecumenical News

World Council of ChurchesWCC s2 

Nice, France

World Council of Churches interim general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca expressed solidarity with the churches and people of France, and condolences to the families of the victims, in the wake of extremist attacks in Nice on 29 October. 

“There can be no legitimate religious justification for this brutality, and any and all attempts to justify such attacks on religious grounds must be categorically denounced.” Says Rev Prof. Sauca.

Read the 29 October WCC news article  WCC condemns extremist attacks in France

Read the full Statement here

photo by Albin Hillert WCC

Western Ethiopia, Kabul and Vienna

“The unbearable toll of lives lost, and the impact on the affected communities and nations, must engage the concern, solidarity and action of the international community and all people of goodwill, to stem the bloodshed and to confront the brutal ideologies behind such atrocities,” wrote Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, interim general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), on 3 November, as he commented on the violent extremist attacks in western Ethiopia, Kabul and Vienna.

Read the 3 November 2020 WCC news article WCC condemns recent extremist attacks around the world

Read the full statement here


Interfaith Prayer below offered by Bishop Philip Huggins and Mohamed Mohideen.

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