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Our Works - Act for Peace

Act for Peace Ration Challenge and Refugee Church Meal

Act for Peace Ration Challenge and Refugee Church Meal

As you may have read, the Act for Peace Ration Challenge has launched for 2016. By taking the challenge and eating the exact same rations that a Syrian refugee living in Jordan receives for one week, this passionate community of people across Australia will be helping refugees around the world to build safe, just and dignified lives.

In addition to launching the Ration Challenge, Act for Peace is excited to announce that this year churches around Australia will come together to take part in the first ever Ration Challenge Refugee Meal. During Refugee Week, June 19-25, churches will share a meal of refugee rations to show refugees we’re with them, not against them. The money raised during the meal will provide rations, medicine and education to help Syrian and Iraqi refugees find the strength they need to cope.

“I feel extremely grateful that I have the chance to hold a refugee dinner at Williamstown Uniting and to participate in the Ration Challenge. This reminds me and my community of how incredibly lucky we are to live in a country with an abundance of food and clean drinking water. Given that we are so privileged, I am grateful that Act for Peace gives me a chance to give something back.” Reverend Avril Hannah-Jones, who hosted a refugee meal at Williamstown Uniting Church.

For more information go to actforpeace.org.au/churches

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