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Reflection - Each day has enough trouble of its own


Matthew 6: 24-34

”But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

In times such as we live, we take a look at the Australian version of this verse by Bruce Prewer.

To Those Who Worry

A jockey cannot ride two horses;
 he would be pulled apart.
You cannot have divided aims,
 you cannot serve God and money.
Therefore throw off anxieties
 about fashions of clothing and food.
Go outside and watch the magpies;
 they have no fridge or supermarket,
Yet the loving Creator feeds them
 with all that they really need.
You are much more precious that birds.
 You will not grow by worrying!

Why make such a fuss about clothing,
 about this season’s fashion?
Take a walk in the bushland
 and kneel to see the ground orchids.
They have no wardrobe or mirror,
 no emporium or boutique,
yet King Solomon in his majesty
 was shabby compared with these.
If God so dresses the wildflowers
 that only last a few days,
how much more will he clothe you
 in spite of your little faith?

You are not to eat your heart out
 about food, wine, and clothing.
Leave such worries to the godless mob
 who have nothing else to live for.
Your loving Creator knows you
 and recognises your real needs.
Put God and his just kingdom first
 and you get your heart’s desire.
Stop worrying about the next day;
 deal with it when it comes.
Live and enjoy one day at a time –
 that is enough to cope with.

From More Australian Psalms by Bruce D Prewer, printed and published by Openbook Publishers 1996.

The NCCA, like many other organisations, is taking steps to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 (Corona virus) by cancelling or postponing meetings and limiting travel requirements.

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