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July 2021 Issue 2

Forgive - The Way Forward

Further insights and resources for local conversations as we of the NCCA family encourage a more loving, forgiving and understanding culture: Our Conversations continue.  

ACRTx1508 Years of incarceration

19 July: the anniversary of the start of the policy of diverting all refugee boats away from Australian territory. 

Australian Community Sponsorship

Community Refugee Sponsorship Australia (CRSA), are looking for groups for their Mentorship Program. There will be an intake of new mentor groups and refugee mentees in August 2021 under the ‘Group Mentorship Program’.   

Bell ringing 

Looking at the next steps in connection & solidarity with our First Nation people in the wake of the most recent "death in custody”, the 480th since the Royal Commission of 1987.

The NCCA are encouraging churches to 'ring out' their bells for any further deaths in custody.


Updates on AfP activities

  • Report on an Agenda for a Dignified and Sustainable Rohingya Refugee Response in Bangladesh 

  • That's a wrap: Act for Peace Ration Challenge 2021

UCA 16th Assembly

The Rev Sharon Hollis, from Victoria, was installed as the President at the Assembly meeting of The Uniting Church in Australia which took place online for the first time. The Assembly meeting was livestreamed from Brisbane on 17 and 18 July.

The NCCA welcomes Rev Hollis and looks forward to working with her during her term over next three years, 2021-2024.

WCC s2World Council of Churches

  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022 - Theme, worship and background material 

  • His Holiness Catholicos Baselios Marthoma Paulose II - Prayers of support for the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church in India

July 30

  • Webinar: Stop the Flow: Let’s End Human Trafficking - Friday 30 July 2021

  • Document: Catholic anti-slavery group becomes model for Australian business

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Registration now open

Ancient Futures: the Renewal of Religious Life in the Australian Church - A three day event hosted by the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture (ACC&C) in Canberra. 

When: Thursday 4 - Saturday 6 November 2021

Registrations close: 25 October 2021

The Feast of Sacrifice

Our prayers are with our Muslim friends as they complete their celebrations today, Friday 23 July. Eid-al-adha, which began on Monday 19 July,  honours Ibrahim's obedience to God's command in his willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac.

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