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Voice. Treaty. Truth.

'Statement from the Heart' Study Guide 

A new resource now available from the Uniting Church Synod in Vic/Tas. The study guide was developed by the Synod's Justice and International Mission Cluster. It explores the Statement’s three key elements: ‘Voice. Treaty. Truth’.  

The study guide can be used over six separate study sessions, or a single day intensive. There is also an additional resource available for facilitators.

You can download the study guide HERE

For more information, or for help organising study sessions, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

More about the Study Guide 

NAIDOC resources

Other study material

2018 Study Guide from the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council:  A VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS

More about this guide can also be found here - https://www.ncca.org.au/about/item/1369-study-guide-on-the-uluru-statement-from-the-heart  




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