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Lenten resources 2022

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Matthew 11:29-30 


The following is a short selection of resources that you may find useful for your own prayers and reflections during this season of Lent.

This lenten season commences for the Western Churches on 2 March 2022 and 7 March for the Orthodox Christian Churches.

Forgiveness: A Study Guide**

Ecumenical collaboration - Lenten Study for 2022

The aim of these Studies is to help individuals and communities with healing and new beginnings. It covers all the crucial issues: 

  • Why forgive? What difference does it make?
  • Why is forgiveness sometimes difficult, including of ourselves?
  • What is our personal and global journey regarding “forgiveness”?
  • What light do we have for next steps and for the healing of what is now past?

Bishop Philip Huggins says, “The idea for this Guide evolved from meetings with wonderful people whose own stories are of forgiveness after poignant times of grief and loss, especially Leila and Danny Abdullah, founders of i4give (https://www.i4give.com).

Bishop Philip invited three experts to join him in preparing these studies: Felicity McCallum, John Hendry and Fr. Hugh Kempster. The study's cover is beautifully illustrated by Revd. Canon Glenn Loughrey, a gift to this program.

“Clearly, we all pray that our Australia and the global family might be more loving, more understanding and more forgiving. For this to be so, we need to be focused, with clearer intention. A better understanding of forgiveness can only help”, said Bishop Philip. 

“In the love of God for all living beings, our journey is to help us all make better choices so we heal and do no harm”, concluded Felicity, John, Fr. Hugh and Bishop Philip.

Printed copies are $15 and are available from St Peter’s Bookroom, 15 Gisborne St, East Melbourne VIC 3002: www.bookroom.stpeters.org.au   

**An online version, with additional resources is on the website of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture: www.acc-c.org.au  



Repairing the Breach

Anglican Board of Mission (ABM) - Lenten Study for 2022

Seven studies that take you from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday.

Repairing the Breach examines what it means to be people of healing in a broken world. Written by a community of friends for a people of mission – and illustrated with stunning images painted by acclaimed artist, Carol Aust, ‘Repairing the Breach’ inspires, provokes and cajoles.

An Australian resource for parishes, study groups and individuals. 

The Mission of God is to repair the breach. The people of God are participants in that work.

Read more about it and get your copy from here

Order your copy NOW - All orders received by 18 February will be sent out in time for Lent.

View an ONLINE preview here


Titles marked with ** indicate that cost free versions are available. Others may include a purchase price and postage.  


Links to online resources


Websites that have Lenten resources you may like to visit are:


Bookshop purchases


The Farewell Messages of Jesus

David Mulready

2022 Lenten Study: The Farewell Messages of Jesus (John 13-20) 

Forty daily devotions  to explore John's account of the last weeks of Jesus' earthly ministry as he prepares his disciples for his departure. 

Available from Koorong books

Cost: $11.99 




Lent: A Calendar of Devotions 2022

By Danielle Kim

***coming soon ***

Available on back-order from Mediacom

Cost: $2.75 





Sacred Space for Lent 2022

By: The Irish Jesuits

Sacred Space for Lent is a simple way to build a richer relationship with God and embrace the Lenten season as a sacred space.​​

Available from - Booktopia

Cost $ 13.05 






Garrett Publishing Lent 2022 



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