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Indigenous Sovereignty

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Why Indigenous Sovereignty Should Matter to Christians

"It's a conversation about sovereignty but also about how we stand as disciples of Jesus."

Rev Dr Chris Budden says of his new book, Why Indigenous Sovereignty Should Matter to Christians, launched at the 15th Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia in July. The result of many prolonged conversations on the subject of First People's sovereignty.

This wonderful book provides a fresh way of thinking about the just claims of First Nations Peoples which stem from their sovereignty. I commend it as a “must read” for all who would walk in the ways of justice.” Stuart McMillan, former President Uniting Church in Australia

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“The heart of the book is an attempt to help people see Indigenous sovereignty as an issue of faith and discipleship, and not just politics,” Rev. Dr Budden said.

Chris Budden is a Minister of the Uniting Church and for the last five years has worked with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress.  He has written extensively on contextual and public theology, and is also author of Following Jesus in Invaded Space: Doing Theology on Aboriginal Land (Pickwick Publications).


Why Indigenous Sovereignty Should Matter to Christians is available to purchase on MediaCom





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