This framework for child safety is the first of its kind for churches and faith-based organisations in Australia. It encompasses the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Royal Commission recommendations and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
The NCCA engaged the services of Child Wise — an organisation which has pioneered the use of child safety standards in Australia — to consult with NCCA Safe Church Program members to develop the best resource possible.
The NCCA Child Safety Framework is a suite of five documents that each builds on the other as outlined below. It is available for purchase by request and invoice - please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This document provides context for the creation of the Framework, and reinforces the NCCA’s commitment to the Royal Commission recommendations and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations which have strongly informed it; and includes a Glossary and a summary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
This document includes an explanation of each pillar’s importance: Leadership, culture and governance, Empowerment of children and young people and Capacity-building. It links theses with relevant National Principles and describes how each contributes to the cultivation of child safe environments. |
In this document the standards are broken down into key elements which are accompanied by guidance on how to implement each one. Corresponding resources for this document can be found in the NCCA website’s ‘Resource Hub’. |
This document sets out each Child Safety Standard alongside a Training Standard and accompanying Indicators to be used by organisations as guideposts along the way. Corresponding resources for this document can be found in the NCCA website’s ‘Resource Hub’. |
This document should be used to ensure that all existing policies and practices are effective and are aligned to the Child Safety Standards which underpin the Framework. The tool provides the ability to rate performance and create an improvement plan. |
Child Wise is an Australian social enterprise and registered charity that supports public, private and not-for profit organisations to develop child safe environments and cultures. Child Wise has valued the opportunity to collaborate with the NCCA on the development of this Child Safety Framework, and is hopeful that it will support the continuous improvement of safeguarding practice in all member churches.
This Framework has been designed to support member churches to be open, aware, learning organisations which centralise the rights and safety of children and young people. It is built around the core pillars of: Leadership, Governance and Culture; Empowerment and Participation of Children and Young People; and Capacity Building,
Work to ensure children and young people are safe, and that their voices are heard, must never stop. Child Wise looks forward to seeing the NCCA and all member churches do their utmost to continuously assure the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people.
This NCCA Child Safety Framework is a step on that journey.