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Friday, 11 August 2017 17:05


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Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations

APRO is a peak body established in 2003 to help build interfaith harmony and understanding in Australia.

Among its member organisations are the peak bodies for Australian Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and Baha’is.

APRO is unique in that it comprises representatives of major religious bodies as well as national-level multicultural and interfaith community organisations and academics with expertise in inter-faith and intercultural relations.

The aims of APRO are:

  • To promote and advocate for inter-faith harmony, and understanding and respect between the adherents of the various religions in Australia
  • To combat religious prejudice and discrimination; and
  • To consider and address matter of mutual concern arising out of the shared values and interests of the various religions

APRO provides a practical example of how successfully diverse religious communities can work collaboratively in Australia. For example, APRO hosts periodic inter-faith forums bringing members of faith communities together in dialogue

As the peak multi-faith body in Australia, APRO is in a position to act in an advisory capacity to government. APRO stands willing to support and assist the work of government in relevant policy areas, including working with Parliament, multiculturalism, protection against discrimination and vilification on the basis of religion, interfaith dialogue, foreign affairs and reconciliation..

Read 23195 times Last modified on Thursday, 07 December 2017 13:56
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