Labor Party commits to net zero carbon emissions target for 2050
Media Statement 21 February 2020
In a Media Release made on Friday 21 February, The National Council of Churches in Australia has stated that it welcomes the Opposition's announcement made at midday of the same day.
“Our hope and prayer is that this will soon be a bipartisan commitment."
How do we make 2020 a transformative and wonderful year for all God's creation?
Media Statement 14 February 2020
Bishop Philip Huggins, NCCA President, calls on Australians to develop a strategy with the aim of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050.
“2020 is a very big year for all who want to be good stewards of God’s wonderful creation...."
The Way Forward on Climate Change Policy
Media Statement
Bishop Philip Huggins, NCCA President, together with Bishop Stephen Pickard, Executive Director of the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture have invited Australia’s Ambassador for the Environment, Mr Jamie Isbister, to speak at a Canberra seminar on 6 February 2020 to better inform the way forward on climate change policy.
“In charity, let us assume we are all learning together about climate change..."
Churches in Australia act on national fire crisis with responders and prayers
God of life and death, our prayers today are where our hearts and minds have been during these last days; with those communities and individuals whose lives have been damaged in differing ways by the bushfires. We thank you for the volunteers responding. We pray for relief.
For a full description of various Australian church responses in the national bushfire crisis, see the World Council of Churches’ media of 2 January 2020:
2019 Christmas Messages from Leaders of the Christian Churches in Australia
“The love in which God made us was in God from without beginning”
Looking at the Nativity scene this year, I am mindful of Julian of Norwich’s insight from the vivid revelations of the divine love, which she received as a gift.
Lifesaving Medevac Legislation to be repealed
NCCA ACRT Media Release
"...the Government must immediately open a humane resettlement pathway for people detained on PNG and Nauru and guarantee that those seriously ill people will receive the appropriate health care."
A Call for unified National Leadership regarding Climate Change
Media Statement
NCCA President Bishop Philip Huggins is calling upon our National Parliamentary Leaders to work together to prevent global temperatures rising further and convene a round-table conversation with civil leaders.
"Humankind must find a quite unprecedented and sustained level of cooperation." Says Bishop Huggins, "We urge our PM and our Leader of the Opposition to meet together and shape a way forward..."
Churches call for Medevac Legislation to remain
ACRT briefing notes and Media Statement
Briefing notes produced by the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) aim to address the misinformation and confusion being peddled by sections of the media and politicians about the Australian Government’s official processes for refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia and those in offshore detention. The Taskforce also calls for medical transfer legislation to remain as it is saving lives.
A Call for Prayer around Australia in Churches
For UN International Day of Peace, Saturday 21 September.
"We are living in dangerous and anxious times. The need for peace-makers is vivid." Bishop Philip Huggins, President of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) declares in a statement released to the Media on Thursday 5 September 2019.
Faith Leaders call on newly elected Government
Let them settle here.
In a Media Statement released 21 May 2019, the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) and the Australian Churches’ Refugee Taskforce (ACRT), together with Australian Jewish, Christian and Muslim Leaders, called upon the Government to resolve the plight of the refugees still detained on Manus and Nauru.
Easter Messages 2019
Easter Messages from Leaders of Christian Churches in Australia 2019
May your Holy Week and Easter be a time of beautiful renewal
....A new beginning is what we need, for the whole human family, away from fear and hate, towards love and trust....
Bishop Philip Huggins, President National Council of Churches in Australia
The 13 messages follow.
Churches call for humane treatment
Media Statement released 15th February 2019
The National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA) together with the Australian Churches’ Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) call for an end to the demonising of refugees and asylum seekers and a humane approach to their care and support.
The Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims & Jews
Australia Day Vision 2019
Media Statement released 18 January
As the 231st anniversary of the colonial establishment of NSW approaches, represetatives from three Australian faith groups bring their contribtion to the discussion on the 26 January.
2018 Christmas Messages from Leaders of the Christian Churches in Australia
As the angels sing ‘Glory to God in the Highest’.
Our son was listening at a distance as his four year old daughter told the Christmas Story to another four year old, using a picture book.
...“and then these angels came. So the paddock people went to see the baby Jesus for themselves..!” she exclaimed with much delight.
Two peoples and three faiths call Jerusalem, City of God
NCCA Media Statement
13 December 2018
We are soon to remember Jesus born in a Bethlehem stable, there being no other place.