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Media Releases


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.     1 Peter 1:3

Messages from our churches speak to our Australian and world context in this year’s Easter Sunday celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection or rising from the dead after being crucified or put to death on the day called Good Friday.

The 14 messages follow. 

MEDIA RELEASE: Monday 7 March 2022

New President Rev John Gilmore chaired his first Board meeting for the National Council of Churches in Australia on Ash Wednesday 2 March.  His opening reflection on the Churches’ season of Lent was based on Luke 9: 51-56, when Jesus “resolutely turned his face towards Jerusalem”.  

Pray for a healing and renewing peace this Christmas.

The peace that is revealed in Jesus transforms people and situations.  NCCA and its members invite you to join together and pray for a revelation of peace this Christmas.

Thursday, 04 November 2021 00:24

A Time to Act Together


A Call by Jewish, Muslim and Christian Leaders in Australia

"As representatives of the three peak bodies today we affirm our common commitment to care for human life and the natural world."

Wednesday, 20 October 2021 11:15

Church leaders unite for climate action

Church leaders unite across the region to call for climate action 

MEDIA RELEASE: Wednesday 20 October 2021

Churches from across Australia and the Pacific region have joined together to call on the Australian Government to step up its part in global action addressing climate change. 

NCCA and ARRCC Media Release

11 August 2021

“As people of faith, we need to know, in detail, how our Federal Government and Opposition will respond to this Report with appropriate policies and budgeting” says Bishop Philip Huggins.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021 11:10

A new season of community support

NCCA ACRT Media Release

“Our churches, and other faith communities, are willing and able to be more involved in supporting refugees in our communities.... But we need government to make the changes... and encourage this community movement by giving permanent protection." Ms. Elizabeth Stone, NCCA General Secretary.

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. (2 Thessalonians 2:16–17 NIV)

Messages from our churches speak to our Australian and world context in this year’s Easter Sunday celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection or rising from the dead after being crucified or put to death on the day called Good Friday.

The 14 messages follow.

MEDIA RELEASE – 19 January 2021

Writing to the Prime Minister, Hon Scott Morrison, … President of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA), Bishop Philip Huggins has suggested “that for this January 26, you might announce a reconsideration of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.”

Preparing Optimistically for Christmas.

Gracious God,

We give thanks, as with optimistic hearts, we are once again renewed by the Nativity scene of Christmas....

Media Statement 15 May 2020

In this time of uncertainty and increased anxiety the The National Council of Churches in Australia has joined together with organisations of many other faiths to share a united voice. 

 “ Compassion is at the heart of our faiths. It is our unifying ethic."

Thursday, 09 April 2020 15:45

Easter Message in film and song

What The World Needs Now, is Love Sweet Love

NCCA President, Bishop Philip Huggins, has joined with filmmaker Richard Keddie to release this message of love at Easter.  

This Easter may the love of Jesus be evermore vivid in all we think, say and do!

There is a saying of Blaise Pascal: “After the resurrection. Jesus no longer wanted to be touched, except through his wounds”.

This was the experience of relieved and delighted Mary in the Garden. (John 20:17)....


Media Statement 21 February 2020

In a Media Release made on Friday 21 February, The National Council of Churches in Australia has stated that it welcomes the Opposition's announcement made at midday of the same day.

 “Our hope and prayer is that this will soon be a bipartisan commitment."


Media Statement 14 February 2020

Bishop Philip Huggins, NCCA President, calls on Australians to develop a strategy with the aim of reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2050. 

 “2020 is a very big year for all who want to be good stewards of God’s wonderful creation...."

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