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Social Justice Sunday resources

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SJN Resources from past years 


28 September 2014

Gambling and its Impact in Australia
Is Nothing Sacred?

The NCCA Social Justice Network has chosen the topic of “gambling” for the 2014 Social Justice Sunday resource in the hope of voicing the strong concerns held by the Churches about the encroachment of gambling and its destruction into the daily lives of many Australians. Poker machine reform is no longer on our national political agenda, however the expansion of gambling methods is extending, prompting the subtitle “is nothing sacred?”.

The resource is available in hard copy  by phoning or emailing the NCCA. Copies may also be available from either your State Council of Churches or possibly your denomination Social Justice Officer.

Articles included this year are:

Community for sale? Wanna Bet?
The growing reach of gambling.
Gambling and sport.
More gambling information.
Resources and weblinks relating to gambling issues.

pdf Social Justice Matters: Gambling and it's Impact in Australia (1.04 MB)

pdf Australian Churches Gambling Taskforce: Restraining Online Misery – Measures to curb online gambling companies (24 KB)


29 September 2013

"What does the Lord require of you?

This year the Social Justice Sunday resourceacknowledges that embracing the call to do justice is very challenging. As Australia approaches a federal elections the churches want to give the clear message that Social Justice Matters. The resource will be available in hard copy (after 15 August 2013) by phoning or emailing the NCCA. Copies may also be available from either your State Council of Churches or possibly your denomination Social Justice Officer.

The resource will include articles on:
Social Justice: The Biblical Foundations
Millenium Development Goals: A job that Needs Finishing
Taking Responsibility for Justice: The Case of Refugees
Disability, Spirituality, Accessibility
The Call for Leadership: the Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls
Resources with Links to Some Great Websites

pdf Social Justice Matters: What Does The Lord Require of You (548 KB)

document Worship Resources Social Justice Sunday 2013 (18 KB)

SJS_201230 September 2012

Peace in the Marketplace so all may live in dignity

Our current world economic situation is the subject of many books, lengthy media commentary and diverse expert opinions posing many questions. “Are we prospering, are we doomed, is the demand for our mineral resources going to last, how much of Australia’s natural landscape and ecology can be sacrificed to support our economic growth?” Is the concept of economic growth out dated as it is severely altering the natural world? How do we grapple with the unintended consequences?These are the big questions of our times.

The NCCA Social Justice Network has produced this resource  “Peace in the Marketplace – So all may live in dignity. to assist in addressing issues of well being, the economy and the challenges such as work life balance, consumerism, and measuring real progress as a nation. Hopefully this will be a helpful tool for promoting discussion across the community.

pdf Social Justice Matters - Peace in the Marketplace (859 KB)

document Worship Resources Social Justice Sunday 2012 (38 KB)

sjs-2011 25 September 2011

I Was in Prison and You Visited Me 

The number of people in prison in Australia (both sentenced and unsentenced) is increasing faster than population growth. At the same time, rates for most categories of offending are decreasing. These trends require us to pause and reflect on what is happening in our society and especially, who is most likely to be found in prison. The great majority of prisoners come from impoverished circumstances, often experiencing multiple disadvantage. However, most attention is given to the few high profile, even very wealthy, individuals who engage equally high profile legal advisers to secure their freedom.

The Social Justice Network has produced this resource to assist individuals and congregations to be aware of the alarming facts about prisons in Australia and to advocate for a more just society.

pdf Social Justice Matters: I Was In Prison and You Visited Me (2.00 MB)


pdf Worship Resources Social Justice Sunday 25 September 2011 (9 KB)

The 1998 Resource: pdf SJS 1988 Prison the Last Resort Part 1 (172 KB)

pdf SJS 1988 Prison the Last Resort Part 2 (564 KB)

SJS_2010_cover26 September 2010

 Witnessing to Peace in a Violent World

In countless conflicts across the globe, the shadow of violence continues to obscure a new horizon for peace. Nevertheless, as we reflect earnestly at the conclusion of the Decade to Overcome Violence we should draw inspiration from the continuing outward gaze of the ecumenical movement in Australia in standing in solidarity with the victims of violence across the world.

 Traditionally, in times of conflict and amid the terrors of deprivation and need, the Church has often held firm as a place of sanctuary and succour. Sometimes it has had a very mixed response, with some sections fearful and silent or even siding with persecutors. The Church reflects both the highs and lows of our human condition.

In many flashpoints across the globe, the Church speaks forcefully for the preservation of human dignity, the broader protection of rights of individuals and communities, and has achieved many peace dividends, some small and some great.

pdf Social Justice Matters: Witnessing to Peace in a Violent World (818 KB)

 SJS_2009_cover27 September 2009

Hope for the Common Good

As people who receive the planet as God's sacred gift to us, we have a particular responsibility to live in harmony with and care for the natural world, ensuring that God's gift will be enjoyed by the generations to come.

The Social Justice Network have produced a six page resource to assist church groups and others to look Beyond the Global Financial Crisis, to assist those most vulnerable and use our God given talents to live responsibly in the world.

pdf Social Justice Matters - Hope for the Common Good (2.25 MB)  


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