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Wednesday, 27 January 2016 20:47

Our Works - Act for Peace

The 2015 Christmas Bowl

The 2015 Christmas BowlEvery year, 100,000 compassionate Christians join together in solidarity through the Christmas Bowl appeal. In a tradition that goes back to 1948, churches, individuals and communities give to support people suffering from conflict and disaster around the world.

This year, the support you showed was truly incredible. Thanks to your amazing generosity, the Christmas Bowl is on track to raise $2.4 million. It’s a true outpouring of love and compassion that makes a real difference to the lives of so many people. Your gifts willmean that refugee mothers in Ethiopia can get the clean water they need to save their children from deadly diseases, and support other life-changing projects around the world.

Here’s a small selection of the wonderful Christmas Bowl events that were organised around the nation by Act for Peace supporters like you. To see more pictures, and find out about the impact of your Christmas Bowl gifts will have, go to ww.actforpeace.org.au/christmasbowl

The 2015 Christmas BowlIn Mount Martha, Victoria, over 2,000 people from the local community came together to sing Christmas Carols and raise funds for the Christmas Bowl.

In Leongatha, Victoria, locals came together to hold a community Christmas carols in support of the Christmas Bowl, accompanied by a band, musical performances and choirs from around the region.

In Cherrybrook, New South Wales, the local community presented engaging videos about Act for Peace’s programs around the world and took a collection to raise money for communities around the world.

In Coffs Harbour, the local community yet again raised vital funds for the Christmas Bowl in a proud tradition spanning decades. Bands played carols whilst community members sung along.

All over Australia, supporters like you put their creative baking skills to good use, selling cookies in their schools, workplaces and communities to raise money for refugees and displaced people worldwide.

Photos can be downloaded here 

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