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Tech to Combat Modern Slavery


One of the greatest challenges we face in combatting modern slavery is the lack of transparency deep within the supply chain. How can consumers and businesses have confidence that workers who have produced your goods were treated fairly?  

Be Slavery Free are hosting a new webinar with Ask Your Team  on their new Ethical VOICE tool that helps to check the supply chain by giving voice to workers.

This webinar is an opportunity to hear from the CEO of New Zealand Ethical Employers Inc, already using the tool and their experience of it. 

Topic: Ethical VOICE 

When: 9 June 2022 

Time: 2:00 PM AEST (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney)

Register: online free here  



Ethical VOICE helps organisations monitor and improve the conditions of individual workers throughout their own operations and across their supply chains to ensure their work is making a positive contribution to their lives. It provides a system to capture the voice of all workers, giving them the freedom to tell the truth in a 100% safe and anonymous way.

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