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Ecumenical Service

“Hosanna in the Highest" 

Clergy and lay people from Australia and Palestine will offer prayers, praise and reflections. A virtual screening of this service will be held the day before Palm Sunday. 

 As we mark the beginning of Passion Week, clergy and lay people from both countries will offer prayers, praise, readings and reflections proclaiming the liberation and presence of God even as we acknowledge the situation in the Holy Land today. This is a unique event providing the opportunity for Christians in Australia and Palestine to worship together at this significant time of the year.  

Australian participants in the service include:

Bianca Manning (from Common Grace)

Bishop Richard Condie (Bishop of Tasmania in the Anglican church)

Rob Floyd (Associate General Secretary, Uniting Church in Australia Assembly)

Rev Katherine Rainger (Anglican Diocese of Canberra-Goulburn)

Andrew Menzies (Senior Pastor at Mitcham Baptist church)

And musicians and singers from Brunswick Uniting Church music group. 

Areej Masoud will join the service, from Palestine, along with other Palestinian Christians from many denominations.  A very special element will be the Gospel reading from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (the church that is purported to be the site where Jesus was crucified and the site of his empty tomb).

Permission is rarely granted for filming to occur within this sacred church, so we are extremely honoured and grateful for this opportunity. This will be a significant way for Christians in Australia to see inside this most holy of places at such a commemorative time, particularly as travel to the Holy land is currently unavailable.

When: 5:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney (8.30 AM Jerusalem time) 

Register: online here to attend the hour long service here 

Please invite your friends and share the Facebook event page here

Download the  image Hosanna Ecumencial service flyer (1.06 MB)

This this joint Ecumenical service event is organised by The Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network in Australia and Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre in Jerusalem.

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