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Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

Refugee and Migrant Sunday, 23 August 2020

Rev Anne Hewitt has prepared worship resources. 

The NCCA is pleased to be able to share this with you for use in either in worship or personal reflection.


Ex 1:8 – 14

Ps 124

Rom 12:1-8

Mt 16:13-20  


Exodus 1:8-14 Reality of Ruthless Power

Romans 12:1-8 The Grace Given To Us 


Loving God, 

Come to us we pray. 

Clear our vision,

clarify our thinking,

open our hearts,

connect our soul

to the Wisdom of your Spirit

so that we hear, absorb, understand and act

in harmony as one family in you.


Come to us now O Christ,

Refresh in us today a new vision.

We long to grow in Your way of living and being.

Instil in us Your Way where we welcome diversity,

listen respectfully, act for justice determinedly, 

Together we glimpse the harmony found in the whole body of Christ,

inter-culturally enriched and inter-generationally blessed,

where all life experiences open us to beauty and belonging. Amen


Download the full resource 

We are very grateful to Rev Anne for graciously sharing this resource.


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