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Our Churches

Coptic Orthodox Church 

The Diocese of Sydney and affiliated regions and Diocese of Melbourne and affiliated regions

Our thoughts and prayers are with our Coptic friends this month. 

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His Holiness Pope Tawadros II

This September, we rejoice with the Coptics as they welcome their leader, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St Mark, Egypt to Australia.

An estimated 100,000 Australians are members the Coptic Church, which is administered by two diocesan offices located in Sydney and Melbourne. These dioceses encompass not only Australia but also New Zealand, Oceania and Asia. There are Coptic congregations throughout all the states and territories of Australia in both urban and rural communities. 

The Church has been in the news and media over the last year, more often than not for the unfortunate and disturbing news of the persecution of its followers as a Christian minority in Egypt and throughout the Middle East. More recently we have prayed for the Church and its people after the 9 April Palm Sunday attacks of terrorism which left us all shocked and saddened. 

It is with great friendship and love that the National Council of Churches welcomes Pope Tawadros to Sydney and Melbourne. Along with the wider Coptic community of Australia we pray for a safe, rewarding and blessed visit to our country. 

His Holiness has an event filled schedule, meeting with religious and political leaders, attending meetings with his congregations and visiting schools  to name a few. The Pope will also be attending receptions in his honour, in both Sydney and Melbourne.

For more information on His Holiness’ Australian visit see the following websites:

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Coptic Orthodox Church Diocese of Sydney and affiliated regions 

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Coptic Orthodox Church Diocese of Melbourne and affiliated regions

On Wednesday 30 August, ABC Radio National presenter, Andrew West interviewed Pope Tawadros, covering many topics such as ISIS, asylum seekers and Pope Francis. 

To see the ABC article visit the Radio National page  

Listen to the interview with Pope Tawadros 

On 29 Julythe ABC Compass program aired an episode on the Coptic Church in Australia. 

Watch Out of Egypt – The Copts.



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