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Safe as Churches? 7 - Building Resilience

Safe Church Masterclass Resources

8 September 2015 and

Safe As Churches? 7 Conference Resources
9 - 10 September 2015

at  St Barnabas Anglican Church Broadway, Sydney NSW

Elizabeth Hall Interview and Resources

Purpose and audience

The NCCA Safe Church Network’s “Building Resilience” days are designed to provide networking and in-service opportunities for people involved in the prevention of and/or responding to church related misconduct issues, including Church Leaders; Safe Ministry Units, Professional Standards Directors, Ethics field workers & committees; Safe Church Workshop presenters; and Regional ministers / Archdeacons / Presbytery Ministers.

Guest speaker

elizabethhall 105Our international guest speaker was Elizabeth Hall who since 1981 has been involved with working in the area of child protection in the UK. Experiences include: probation officer, welfare officer and Guardian Ad Litem in the Family Court, Regional Manager for the Children and family court advisory & support service (CAFCASS), and Safeguarding Lead for CAFCASS. Elizabeth was, until recently, the Safeguarding Adviser for the Church of England & the Methodist Church.


Safe Church Masterclass

9:00am-4:00pm, Tuesday 8 September 2015

pdf Session one: Elizabeth Hall "Challenging a culture that has allowed abuse" (539 KB)  (PowerPoint Slides)


pdf Session four: Elizabeth Hall "Survivor Resilience" (640 KB)  (PowerPoint Slides)


Safe As Churches?7 Conference

9:00am-4:00pm, Wednesday 9 & Thursday 10 September 2015

If you would like a copy of the audio recordings of the keynote presentations please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


pdf Opening Address: Garth Blake (39 KB)  (Transcript)

pdf Keynote 1: Elizabeth Hall "Building resilience in our churches" (988 KB)  (PowerPoint Slides)


Facilitated Workshops

Tim Dyer: John Mark Ministries - Building Resilience in congregations



pdf Keynote 2: Elizabeth Hall "Resilience... so what?" (1.05 MB)   (PowerPoint Slides)

pdf Keynote 3: Dr. Katie Seidler "Safe ministry to known offenders, is this achievable?" (1.12 MB)  (PowerPoint Slides) 

pdf Keynote 4: Andrea Musulin "Resilience in individuals - Protective behaviours" (14.42 MB)  (PowerPoint Slides)


Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse - Hon. Justice McClellan AM Transcript  

pdf Closing Address: Elizabeth Hall "Resilience into the future"  (183 KB) (PowerPoint Slides)



pdf Elizabeth Hall - Youtube resources  (31 KB)

ABC Sunday Night - Interview: John Cleary with Elizabeth Hall (Sunday 20th September 2015) 

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