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Wednesday, 26 August 2009 15:15


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Message from the National Council of Churches in Australia
(Adopted by the Executive of the NCCA at its meeting in June 2003)

In a world so full of fear and distrust, it is timely that Social Justice Sunday 2003 addresses issues of racism.

Christians believe that all human beings are created in the image of God. In Jesus Christ the divisions that separate people from each other are broken down - people are reconciled and a new unity is created among us.

Racism separates us from God and from each other and is incompatible with the Christian gospel. Together with Christians all over the world, we affirm that racism is a sin.

It is a sad fact that racism has been part of Australia's history. It is evident in the life of individuals, communities and churches, and in government policies. Responses to recent events throughout the world indicate that we have not rid ourselves of the racism which has defined so much of our history. Racism has always been a form of violence, damaging the lives of those who experience it and violating their human rights.

In seeking to understand how racism works we need to listen to the experiences of others and reflect on differing perspectives. We need to consider what is happening to Indigenous Australians, how authentic our multicultural identity really is, the assumptions that underlie our resort to warfare in recent times, and the lack of safety which people of some religious and ethnic groups experience everyday. We need to examine what is happening in sport, the workplace, politics, the media and in our own congregations and churches.

While racism may at times be subtle and well disguised, it is always a powerful force of oppression and injustice. We condemn the continuing racism in our country which is evident in the behaviour of individuals and communities and which is still evident in our churches. We condemn the racism which is hidden in the systems and structures of our society.

We believe that the cultural and racial diversity in Australia today is a reflection of God's gift of diversity in creation. It is to be treasured and nurtured, regarded as a blessing for us all.

We call for racial justice - an acknowledgement in word and deed that all people are created equal and that the lives of all people are equally valuable. We seek a community in which strangers are welcomed and differences are celebrated; we seek a society where the systems, structures and policies of governments and institutions are racially inclusive; and we seek a country in which all people are valued and can worship according to their own faith tradition.

We encourage members of our churches to use the opportunity provided by Social Justice Sunday 2003 to reflect on our own lives and the lives of our churches; to seek God's transformation of our lives and healing of our communities; and to work for racial justice so that we may be faithful agents of God's transforming mission in our society.


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