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Faith and Unity

Invitation for Symposium presentations:

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St Irenaeus of Lyons - History, Theology & Significance of Apologists

The 8th Patristic Symposium will be held at St Andrew’s Theological College, Sydney from Friday 24 August to Saturday 25 August 2018.

The Symposium welcomes presentations from the different disciplines of Christian theology interested in further reflecting on this major figure of the Church, irrespective of their field of expertise, academic affiliation or denominational background.

It is hoped that this cross-disciplinary approach (whether this be, patristics, church history, systematic theology, ethics, biblical studies, liturgics etc.) will contribute by casting further light – indeed a more enriching and holistic perspective – to this most significant Christian father of the early Church.

For more information on the Symposium - St Irenaeus of Lyons – History, Theology & Significance of Apologists please visit the St Andrew's Theological College website

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