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Saturday, 02 September 2017 13:35

Asylum seekers need our support again


In late August, Immigration Minister Peter Dutton announced that support is to be withdrawn for asylum seekers who are living in community in Australia. Their income support will cease and they forced from Government funded accommodation. It is expected that they will be made to return to Manus or Naru within six months.


Last year 267 refugees awaiting their claims to be processed were allowed to stay in the Australian community rather than being sent back to detention centres on Manus or Nauru Islands. This was the outcome after many outraged Australian citizens voiced their concerns to the Australian Government for the health and well being of these people once they returned to the detention centres. 

Churches and extended communities came together, speaking up for justice by offerring Sactuary to these displaced people in an effort to keep them from futher harm. The Government listened to our united voices and the 267 men women and children were allowed to remain in Australia while their visas were processed.

Now it has all changed. These people will be put in harms way again if we do not raise our collective voices and speak out against this inhumane treatment. They came to our shores looking for safety and securtiy. Let us open our arms to welcome them once again.

What is being done?

At a Media conference onTuesday 29th August,The Very Rev’d Dr, Peter Catt, Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) Chair, launched an appeal for funds. Seeking wider community support for the asylum seekers and refugees facing destitution.

Australians can donate to the appeal via:

Email your local MP - ask them to #LetThemStay

Don't know what to say? CommonGrace has prewritten the email for you, just visit the CommonGrace website and joint the campaign.

Read the ARCT media release.


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